The 91×ÔÅÄCourse overview
Feel more confident
The best way to experience The 91×ÔÅÄCourse New Edition is to watch each session’s video with your small group, use your Guidebook to track your journey and explore more content on the Digital Hub.
The 91×ÔÅÄCourse guidebook
The Guidebook is packed with exclusive content, space to reflect and an opportunity to track how your confidence in the 91×ÔÅÄis growing. Personalise and keep it to refer to and share your journey with others.
The Guidebook contains:
A fold out storyline showing the big story of the Bible
Your personal 91×ÔÅÄplan – use it as a bookmark in your 91×ÔÅÄ
Maps showing key journeys in the Bible
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